Mohit R.Peshwani

I'm a Passionate Software developer

I love to develop softwares for mobile platform and websites. I am a Wiling to learn new things in computer Stream.


Hello I'm Mohit Peshwani

I am Computer Engineering Student wiling to explore new technologies and experience them. I am pursuing Bachlore's in Computer Engineering from Vivekanand Education Society's Institute of Technologs ,is premier engineering college affiliated with the University of Mumbai.I have completed Technical Diploma from Government Polytechnic Khamgaon.

Our Services

We provide High Quality Websites and Application for Desktop and Mobile platforms

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Create website to power your business and take it next level.

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Create Machine Learning models to predict the best results, classifcation to provide better plan for business.

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Create Standalone application on mobile, desktop platform to power your business and grow your network

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Data Analysis

Analysis the data to provide the better ideas and plan to grow business.

I am available to work on a freelance basis

We provide high Stander clean website for your business solution

Our Clients

We provide high Stander clean website for your business solution

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We provide high Stander clean website for your business solution

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We provide high Stander clean website for your business solution

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We provide high Stander clean website for your business solution

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